Tuesday, February 18, 2014


If you had told me 10 years ago that I would end up looking from this:

Sorry, world.

...to this:
Sorry, Brad.

I would totally believe you.  I mean, I think I've always been a little awkward to the eye and I'm happy with that.

The point in all of this is that we are always changing and that's okay. First, the physical changes where one of your arms seems longer than the other and gaps appear between your teeth so mouth pain providers also known as "dentists" have to put you braces and you feel even more awkward. If you are a person like me, you start gaining weight and then puberty drama starts.

Since I have memory, I've always suffered with this, being one of the two chubby students at your school was like when you are in a room where everyone knows how to use chopsticks and then there's you, the only ignorant who pretends to know how to use them. It was awkward, and although I knew I was different I questioned myself why do I felt different because when I looked at myself in the mirror I felt like me and that was "normal"  to me but that made me realize I was just overweight and that wasn't bad at all, so I decided to start working out.

Working out and the clothes struggle.

Working out is an activity I like and sometimes I don't like. In an utopian world, my perfect workout routine would be eating two scoops of ice cream followed by 25 minutes of scrolling down through the fitness hashtag on Instagram and ending with a 30 minute nap. 
The first time I went to the gym was magical, At the end of my workout I felt I had more energy, I felt more happy and also hungry and as I was leaving the gym I told to myself : "Great 25 min. workout! see you next year, gym!"

I would really be cool with all of the "not working out" thing if it wasn't for clothes. I was a size large a year before starting my workout and after that year you would've expect me to be a smaller size but thanks to the crazy people in the fashion industry I'm now XXXXL and it's not cool to play games with my mind. I'm not happy with the idea of making people feel bad if they are part of the "larger" sizes because at the end of the day, those letters don't mean anything and you just have to be happy with what you got.

Now I workout almost everyday, but I do it just to stay full of energy and healthy. I felt so bad for myself because I didn't knew before that monsters in the fashion industry make last year's medium the new large or that the point of working out (at least for me) it's not to be cooler but to stay healthy. But I realized that without all of this struggle I wouldn't have been the person I am today.

The point is, you learn things that make you change the way you see things and the way you participate in life and guess what?...You change and that's great. People change and that's great too! you just have to take everything you've learned and accept you are not the person you were yesterday and keep moving on.

(P.S. The only point of this blog was to show you my picture with the Angelina Jolie wax figure because I think it's funny, everything else is just nonsense stuff).

Stay positive and have an awesome life.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Hey you.

My name is Alfredo (like the sauce) but YOU can call me Freddy like my friends do.
I've always wanted to write something, express myself, write about my life, my opinion of the world, why I always end up breaking my diet eating chocolate made desserts and my passion for collecting iTunes cards and put them in a special box with no reason. You know, the basic stuff.

Why should I read this blog?
Good question, my friend (are we friends? do you wanna be my friend? can I call you friend?) There must be a reason why you're reading this blog so let me start by saying this:

  • If you're reading this blog for tips on how to make a perfect sandwich, I know about that and I can tell you the secret is: MUSTARD. Yes, mustard... I love mustard and the perfect sandwich should always have mustard in it and if you happen to be a strange human being who doesn't like mustard then, I don't know if I should still call you my friend (I'm kidding... we are still friends, right?).

  • Maybe you're 10 years in the future and you found this blog because you thought it's a cooking blog or because I passed away while trying to save the planet from bad hair days or misogynists and I succeed and died in the process. Then bonjour!, How's the future? Is Kidz Bop still a thing? Is humanity still ignorant about global warming? or are you an Alien and invaded our planet and now humans are part of your crazy experiments and you are using this blog to show other aliens how crazy and problematic our minds were?...
  • But if you are reading this blog just because you want to know about my life or because you want to know how I manage to get through life everyday without breaking into tears because I still haven't met Hilary Duff, then I can tell you that you just have to be positive and have a person's best friends ALWAYS with you (spoiler alert: it's not a dog): a music player and ICE CREAM. I know... Ice cream? Yes! it is never too early or too late to have a scoop (or 3 if you are a pro like me) of ice cream, ice cream is always the answer and there will always be room in your tummy for ice cream!

I don't know how many times should I blog, do I have to blog constantly? or should I stop right now because I'm talking nonsense?. I only know two things that have to happen every year constantly without a doubt: my birthday on November 6, and pancake breakfast every sunday at my house.

Did I mentioned I like music and talking about it? Yes I LOVE music and I'm really passionate about the artists that I worship and thanks to the person who invented the internet now I can find more music and share it with everyone so expect posts about music every now and then.

I like to have adventures, like that time when I was 8 years old and went to the mall and lost  my mom at the department store and panicked for about 10 VERY LONG minutes just to realize my mom was at the same spot but she was trying on a hat. Or that time I thought it would be funny/rebel to staple my tongue because I thought that was how you get a cool, cheap,  against my mother's law piercing. So expect stories of my life adventures too.

I like to talk and make videos, I use to have a YouTube channel were I made funny voiceovers to the High School Musical movies with my friends and my brother. We had over 1,000,000 views but I had to delete all my videos for copyright reasons. I really want to start my YouTube channel again staring me, but I get anxious every time I have to talk in public so let me first practice my speeches and accent with my dogs trying to convince them  that smoking is bad for your health and they should stop doing it without starting to puke in the middle of my speech  and then we'll see...

This post it's starting to feel like a tedious surprise math test on a friday so I am going to finish it by saying: Welcome and I hope your acne issues will end soon and remember to always stay positive no matter what and NEVER try to clean a hot popcorn machine with whole bottle of vinegar (we'll get to that some day).

Have an awesome life.

Freddy (dat me).